Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Mad Mad House

*sigh* All right, this "reality show" thing has now officially gotten out of hand. However, I do have to admit that I am glad that I don't have cable....because I know that I'm dumb enough to fall for a show like this. Hell, I can't stop watching "The Apprentice." Next on "Whoring and Pimping Your Lifestyle"...

Mad Mad House


"People who live in different worlds have to live in the same house.

"Did you know that there are practicing vampires in the United States? Or that the Wiccan religion is sometimes called "witchcraft"? And why, exactly, do nudists like being naked?

"SCI FI invites you to experience life around the edges, in the colliding worlds of its newest alternative-reality series, Mad Mad House.

"Five practitioners of "alternative lifestyles" — a Wiccan, a Naturist, a Modern Primitive, a Voodoo Priestess and a real-life Vampire (known collectively as the Alts) — rule the roost. Meanwhile, 10 ordinary folks move into the House as the Alts' Guests — and compete against one another for the $100,000 jackpot.

"Our Guests will live out a Survivor meets The Real World meets The Osbournes lifestyle — and try to get along living under one roof together. The eclectic and unpredictable Alts will challenge them, judge them and eliminate them one by one — ultimately deciding which Guest is most fit for life in the Mad Mad House."